There are two popular material choices for under mount sinks when installing new granite or quartz or any other stone countertops. They are stainless steel and composite granite sinks. Blanco has pioneered the technology of composite granite sinks, and they are continuously improving the quality and looks of their sinks.
Blanco makes both stainless steel and composite granite sinks. Their composite granite sinks are branded as Silgranit sinks. Arch City Granite & Marble, in St. Louis, has used hundreds of Blanco Silgranit sinks with a multitude of granite and quartz colors.
Both sinks are equally popular, but consumer trend is towards the composite granite sinks because of its durability. They have the advantage of being scratch proof and dent proof over the stainless steel sinks. But they are more expensive than the stainless steel sinks.
Over the last 12 years of business, Arch City Granite & Marble has installed over 4500 kitchens. Needless to say, all kitchens need at least one sink. We have taken the statistics from our granite and quartz installations to present the list of most popular sink choices.
There are lot more material choices and sink models, but we want to present the most popular choices here.
Blanco Silgranit Sinks
BLANCO Silgranit Sinks are made with a composite material. They are dent and scratch proof, and they can withstand temperatures up to 523 degrees C. They are stain proof and easy to clean and maintain.
They come in 8 different colors to suit any colored Granite or Quartz Countertops.
Metallic Grey, Cage Brown, Biscotti, Truffle Biscuit, Anthracite, White, Cinder (The colors are described from top left)
Blanco Silgranite Single Bowl Sinks Models
Blanco Equal Bowl Sink
Both models are equal bowl sinks with a depth of 9.5” and need 36” cabinet base.
Blanco Silgranit 60/40 Divide Sink Models
Blanco Silgranit Bar sink Models
Popular Stainless Steel Sink Models
Blanco Performa Stainless Steel Sink Models
Performa Stainless sink models have elegant shapes and sizes. They are much more expensive than the Blanco Stellar Stainless steel models.