How Well Do You Know Your Stone?

When it comes to countertops, Arch City Granite works to bring you the best stone countertops in St. Louis. We work with a lot of stone types and have found that there are a lot of myths and urban legends about different types of countertops. While it is true that not all stone countertops are equal, each has unique properties that can make them perfect for your home. We have a lot of different stone varieties to choose from and we want to help you make the right choice for your home, so here are some facts about stone countertops.

Stone Countertop Facts

Marble: Have you heard that marble countertops are super expensive? Well this is not always the case. The cost of marble always goes back to supply and demand. If you choose a type of marble that is rare, you will pay a higher price for it. Other types of marble are common and you will find their price range to be similar to other types of countertop.

Another misconception about marble is that since it is porous, it harbors bacteria. The fact is that marble is naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial. This means that the stone itself does not create a good habitat for bacteria. You can further reduce bacterial habitat by cleaning your counter with mild antibacterial soap. If you have heard that vinegar is bad for marble, you heard right. Marble reacts with acids, so the acetic acid in vinegar can etch the stone. Marble is a gorgeous stone and its cool surface will add beauty to your home like no other type of stone.

Soapstone: One of the biggest misconceptions about soapstone is that it is a super soft stone. While it is true that soapstone is used for sculptures because it is soft, there is a reason. Soapstone for creating sculptures has a lot of talc in the rock and that makes it soft. The soapstone used for you countertops has a low percentage of talc which makes the stone much harder. While soapstone might not be as hard as granite, homeowners who purchase soapstone countertops love the look. Soapstone is very forgiving, if you accidentally chip or scratch the surface, soapstone can be sanded down. That isn’t something you can do with granite.

One misconception about soapstone is that it requires a lot of work. This isn’t true. Some homeowners like to have a consistent look with their soapstone, so they rub it down with mineral oil or a soapstone wax. This isn’t something you have to do. Other homeowners like the feel and look of the natural stone, so they do not wax it. Untreated soapstone will develop a patina overtime, but many people feel this adds character and color to their countertops. If you decide to go with a soapstone countertop, you can make the decision for yourself.

Granite: Granite is very popular because it of its appearance and durability. Unfortunately, the idea that it is indestructible has begun to surface. First off, granite is not indestructible. It is super durable and is very resistant to scratches, but if you drop a large pot on your granite countertop, there is a possibility that you can chip the surface.

Another misconception about granite is that requires a lot of upkeep. You might even hear that you will need to reseal the surface every few months. This isn’t true at all. A granite countertop is sealed, but you can go years before you need to reseal it. The best way to find out if you need to reseal the surface is to take some water and drip it onto your granite countertop. If the water soaks into the stone, it is time to reseal it. If your countertop repels the water droplet, you can wait to reseal the surface.

Quartz: If you have heard that quartz countertops are not real stone, that is only slightly true. Quartz countertops are engineered, but they contain around 93% quartz. The other 7% of the slab is a special resin that holds the ground quartz together and allows engineers to create large slabs of quartz for your countertops. A quartz countertop can be made to look like granite, or even marble.

Another fact about quartz is that it is extremely hard. Geologists created a scale to determine rank the hardness of natural materials. The scale is called the Mohs Hardness Scale. Diamonds are at the top of the list with a 10. Quartz is a 7. Quartz might not be as hard as diamond, but it is still a very hard substance. When you have a quartz countertop, you will notice that it is extremely durable. If you heard that granite is the most durable countertop, well you should know that quartz is giving granite a run for its ranking.

Another amazing fact about a quartz countertop is the number of choices. Since it is engineered, there are hundreds of different colors that you can find. The selection when you go with quartz will be massive.

Arch City Granite gives you the Facts about Stone Countertops

If you are interest in even more facts about stone countertops, why not come in and visit our showroom. You will be able to see all of the different types of countertops we provide. You can even watch our precision machines cut stone slabs and transform them into future countertops. We understand that you want to have the perfect countertop for your home. Our friendly staff is willing to answer all of you questions and give you the facts that will help you make the right choice for your home.

With Arch City Granite, you will be armed with all the answers you need to make an educated assessment of our different stone surfaces. We empower you. When you decide on your countertop we will come out to your home and use our computer aided measuring equipment to make perfect measurements. Arch City Granite can help you transform your home.

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